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Tag: speeds up healing repair of bones

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Alkaline Water Ionizer



Alkaline Ionized Water, created utilizing electrolysis, offers scaled-down clusters – just like in fruits – involving molecules which allow it to hydrate your body quicker than every other water.
Assists on fighting health conditions by supporting medical therapies and treatments.
Helps one’s body to cleanse to the cellular level as well as neutralize acidity.

Colloidal Zinc Generator


Colloidal Zinc is useful for the treatment and prevention of zinc deficiency and its consequences, including stunted growth and acute diarrhea in children, and slow wound healing.

Colloidal Zinc made to ultrafine standards with the HaliKali Colloidal Zinc Generator is absorbed completely, unlike tablet mineral supplements (which have a rate of absorption of 10%, or less).

Colloidal Zinc is essential for boosting the immune system, treating the common cold and recurrent ear infections, and preventing lower respiratory infections.